
Deguello at Dawn

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Tactical, area movement game of the Battle of the Alamo.

In the early morning hours of March 6, 1836, after a thirteen day siege, the besieging Mexican army surrounding San Antonio, Texas, launched a surprise attack upon the presidio of the Alamo, which was defended by U.S., Texian and Tejano volunteer militia units. The cheering Mexican soldiers, along with the accompanying bugle call of the "Deguello", soon betrayed the surprise attack. Within an hour and a half, the entire garrison of 182 - 225 volunteers had been "put to the sword" and General Santa Anna had won his victory at the cost of some 311 of his brave officers and soldiers. Even more, he created an American legend that began with the "Deguello at Dawn".

Game scale
Each combat unit represents:
 - approximately 10 - 20 men
 - an individual leader
 - one cannon.
Area map covers the Alamo and surrounding area.
Each game turn represents a variable time frame. 

Deguello at Dawn
each game comes packaged in a ziplock bag and contains:
  • one  17" x 22" map
  • 36 double-sided 1" x 1/2" counters
  • 393 double-sided 1/2" x 1/2" counters
  • 16 page rule book
  • various player aid cards


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11017 SW 125th Avenue - Khyber Pass Games -  Miami, FL 33186-4816